Colney Heath | Twinning | ||
Boissy, St Yon | Association |
COLNEY HEATH/BOISSY-SOUS-ST.YON/ST.YON TWINNING ASSOCIATIONCONSTITUTION1. TITLEThe name of the Association shall be the Colney Heath/Boissy-sous-St-Yon/St.Yon Twinning Association 2. AIMS AND PURPOSEa) To promote and foster friendship and understanding between people of Colney Heath, England and Boissy-sous-St-Yon and St.Yon, France, and those of other communities with which the Association may later form links b) To encourage visits and exchanges by individuals and groups of all ages, to and from the linked communities, and the development of personal contacts, and by so doing to broaden the mutual understanding of the cultural, recreational, educational and commercial activities of the linked communities. c) To organise fund-raising activities to foster the aims of the Association. 3. MEMBERSHIPMembership shall be open to all person or organisations in sympathy with the aims and purposes of the Association. There shall be four categories of membership shown below:- Category
Membership to run from 1st April to 31st March Subscription rates shall be reviewed at each Annual General Meeting of the Association, and may then be amended to come into force on 1st April. 4. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEEThe affairs of the Association shall be conducted by a Management Committee, consisting of up to sixteen members and not less than four, four of whom shall be ex-officio the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer, up to two others to be nominated by Colney Heath Parish Council and the balance to be elected by the Association - being broadly representative of organisations, associations, clubs, families and individuals in Colney Heath Parish and its environs. The Management committee shall meet at least four times annually, and the quorum shall be one third of the voting members present. They shall have the power to co-opt further members, with or without voting rights, and to form Sub-Committees for special purposes e.g. French communication, hospitality, membership, publicity. The Sub-Committee shall in turn have the power to co-opt to their membership persons with or without voting rights. Decisions of the Management Committee shall be by a majority vote of those present entitled to vote - the Chairman, in the event of a tie, to have the power to cast a second (or a casting) vote. The powers of the Management Committee shall include:-
5. OFFICERSThese shall comprise of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Auditor, and any others deemed necessary by the Association, and they shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. 6. MEETINGS QF THE ASSOCIATIONa) Annual General Meeting The Management Committee shall summon the Annual General Meeting of the Association to take place during the month of January, and shall give each paid-up member of the association a minimum of 14 days notice thereof. The quorum for this (and any other General Meeting) shall be 20% of the paid-up membership present. The business to be transacted shall include the following:-
b) Special General Meeting A Special General Meeting may be called at any time on a 21-day requisition notice to the Hon. Secretary signed by not less than 20 paid up members, stating the reason for such a meeting: alternatively a Special General Meeting may be called by resolution of the Management Committee. The Management Committee shall give at least 14 clear days written notice of such meeting to all paid-up members. c) Voting Only paid-up members will be entitled to vote. Individual members present shall be entitled to one vote, and family or corporate members to two votes (provided two members or representatives of such family or corporate body are present). Decision shall be made by a simple majority of those entitled to vote and present - and in the event of an equality of voting the Chairman shall have a second (or casting) vote. 7. FINANCEThe Hon Treasurer shall be responsible for receiving and banking all monies on behalf of the Association and for keeping the Association's accounts for annual submission to the Hon. Auditor, and for preparing and presenting the balanced accounts to each Annual General Meeting. The Association's Bankers will be determined by the Management Committee. Financial Year The financial year shall run from 1st November, the accounting period from the date of formation of the Association to the date immediately preceding the first full financial year to be regarded as a complete financial year for all other purposes. The year's completed accounts and all other relevant documents shall be submitted to the Hon. Auditor not later than one month following the close of the financial year, and the latter shall complete his audit and report not later than one month from receiving such accounts and documents. Cheques shall be signed by any two of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon. Treasurer or Hon. Secretary. 8. CONSTITUTION - AMENDMENTSAmendments to the Constitution shall only be made at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting. Notice of the proposed amendment shall be given in writing to the Hon. Secretary at least twenty-one days before the meeting, and details shall be given in the notice convening the meeting. No amendment shall be carried unless not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting at the meeting vote in its favour. 9. DISSOLUTION OF ASSOCIATIONThe Association may be dissolved by a resolution passed by not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting at a General Meeting, but a minimum of twenty-one days notice of such a motion must be given on the public notice-boards within Colney Heath Parish, and in the local press, before the General Meeting. In the event of a dissolution of the Association, all surpluses shall be transferred to such charity or charities as the Management Committee shall, in their absolute discretion, decide. |